Thursday, 8 November 2012

Initial thriller planning – Initial shot list

Initial thriller planning – Initial shot list

·         over the shoulder shot of summer (contemporary femme fatale character) (diegetic sound of headphones on summer) walking under a ladder (reference to third man-    )
·         low angle panning shot of summer round corner (feet)
·         summer point of view seeing Elliott approaching with the package (enigma)
·         Point of view shot of villain looking at exchange between Elliott and summer (Dan?) (audience not aware its point of view only a long shot) (see summer turn to camera (villain) but think nothing of it) (diegetic light breathing)
·         cut to close up of hands and exchange
·         close up of Elliott’s face as point of view of summer
·         cut to close up of summers face (close ups identifying characters emotions and engaging with audience) (film the shot turning to villain and seeing him but don’t include until convoluted plot comes in) (like in Jackie brown changing room scene)
·         back to point of view (villain) (diegetic light breathing getting heavier) panning as summer walks away and then follows
·         high angle if possible of summer walking further connoting vulnerability (showing villain following/shadowing her in the background
·         summer over the shoulder looking paranoid looking around a lot (going in to grafti underground bit connoting entrapment)
·         close up rule of thirds shot summers face (2 thirds) and villain following her in distance (the third part of shot(blurred using focus pull so everything but her face is blurred))
·         medium close up of summer turning around and seeing villain
·         back to close up showing summers emotions of suddenly realising she is being followed
·         Cut to flash back of exchange (blurred borders in edit to show its flashback focusing of centre action in mise-en-scene) replaying the exchange scene but including the point of view of summer seeing villain (realising it was him) instead of point of view of villain point of view from summer.
·         Long shot of villain turning (point of view turning and then following) and then following summer (including all action from scene in mise-en-scene) (explaining the plot)
·         (Back to normal time) close up of summer very afraid with villain visibly starting to run as summer quickens pace
·         Long shot tilted showing them both getting faster until running (quick zoom half way of villain getting something from coat) (enigma- weapon or something) back to long shot of running in panic as it fades out.

1 comment:

  1. Excellently detailed shots. Your outline indicates an opening relying on suspense, but going by Hitchcock's idea of frightening the audience and keeping them gripped, consider what may be in the package!!! A finger??? A photograph showing girl dead in a pool of blood..or....! This would give your opening a focus and make the audience want to keep watching the film.
    So consider a cliff hanger with girl opening the parcel by a window and cutting to a tilt shot of the enigmatic male watching her through the window.
